Help Pages

Help Pages is an addon collection that creates a mark-down based help system from help documents installed by addon collections. Help-Pages is the term used for this help system. It is composed from text documents or articles called Help-Files stored on the server in the HelpFiles folder of the privateFiles file storage area. The Help Pages display is composed of two sections, the navigation on the left and the article on the right. Help navigation on the left is categorized into topics.

Access Help Articles

Help articles are stored in Git with the features they describe. To update a features help pages, use GitHub to clone the repository. Then add or edit help articles in the /help folder of the repo. To render the help article, upload it to any site. When done, save the article back to the GitHub repo.

Download GitHub and Clone the Feature's Repository

Follow the instruction on GitHub to install GitHub Desktop.

Using GitHub Desktop, locate the repository and Clone.

Use File Explorer to view the folders and files downloaded. Help articles should be stored in a folder named /help. Use your prefered editor to add and edit articles.

It is very important to save your changes back to GitHub. This includes both 'Commit' your changes, and 'Push to Origin'. If someone else has made changes to the GitHub repository since you Clones, you will need to merge your changes with theirs. This involves a 'Fetch' to get a list of changes, a 'Merge' to merge your changes, and the 'Commit to origina' to return the updates to GitHub.

Create a Help Page Article

To add an article to the Help Pages system, open the feature's GitHub repository and add/edit articles in the /help folder.

The article's filename is used as the article's headline and help category. The name should be 'Article Category.Article' Do not make subfolders.

Articles are written using the Markdown formatting standard. For help with syntax, use on of the Markdown Cheatsheets

To test the article, go to a site's /help url and upload the article.

Help articles are installed using the feature's collection installation.


To add help articles to a collection, modify the build script to

  • zip the \help folder to a file in the collection folder
  • add a element to the collection xml file as follows:

<resource name="" type="privatefiles" path="helpfiles/collection-name" >
